E-mobility in public transport in Belgrade experiences, challenges, and expectations

Scientific paper information

Original Scientific Paper distributed under the CC BY 4.0

Year 2022, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 19-25


Slobodan Misanovic, 

Project manager, JKP GSP Beograd, Knjeginje Ljubice 29, Beograd, Serbia



E-mobility; E-bus; Zero-emission vehicle; Environmental; Energy efficiency


The introduction of low and zero-emission buses in public urban transport systems has a constant tendency in many cities around the world as an effective way to reduce air pollution and decarbonization in the cities where they are used. For E-mobility in the cities, an important role is played by the increasingly widespread use of fully electric buses. 

The paper will present current directives in the European Union related to the implementation of low and zero-emission vehicles. Experiences in the application of fully electric buses in Belgrade from the aspect of environmental and energy benefits and tendencies of further development will be specially presented.

How to cite this paper

Misanovic, S. (2022 )MIRCE Science approach to maintenance of microbial contamination of fuel tanks in COVID-19 grounded aircraft, Journal of Quality and System Engineering, vol. 1, no. 1, 19-25


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