Space hurricane as a mechanism of a motion of a spacecraft through MIRCE Space

Scientific paper information

Original Scientific Paper distributed under the CC BY 4.0

Year 2022, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 11-18


Jezdimir Knezevic

MIRCE Akademy, Exeter, EX5 1JJ, United Kingdom


Space hurricane; Functionability performance; MIRCE Space; MIRCE Science; Impact of charged particles on Spacecraft electronics


Unlike Earth’s weather, which is manifested through physical phenomena like wind, snow and rain, space weather is manifested through physical phenomena like evolving ambient plasma, magnetic fields, radiation and particle flows in space. Both types of weather have impact on the motion of functionable systems through MIRCE Space and their functionability performances. Terrestrial impacts of these meteorological phenomena are reasonably well understood and included in operational analysis of functionable systems. The effects of space weather are observed in the interruption or degradation of functionality and performance of space related systems during their in-service lives. The main objective of this paper is to draw attention to the recently discovered phenomenon of a space that was named as “space hurricane” and to analyse its impact on the motion of a spacecraft through MIRCE Space. Potential impacts of this new cosmic phenomenon on the motion of functionable systems through MIRCE Space and the consequences on functionability performances are examined and presented in this paper. 

How to cite this paper

Kezevic, J. (2022 ) Space hurricane as a mechanism of a motion of a spacecraft through MIRCE Space, Journal of Quality and System Engineering, vol. 1, no. 1, 11-18


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